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Radiation Cathedral

expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser

Slide film exposed by atmospheric radiation, lead, cold light LED strips, wood, wiring, steel, plexiglass, 24v power supply

“Radiation Cathedral” is a piece which presents a collection of expired slide film collected by the artist over the course of about six years, cut and assembled using traditional stained-glass techniques in the shape of leaves found while walking around Lexington, Kentucky. All of the film found in this sculpture was developed blank–the different colors present in the film are the result of exposure to atmospheric radiation over several decades.

At once both a stained-glass rose window and an abstracted tree, “Radiation Cathedral” intertwines religious architecture with natural forms, engaging with both an awareness of time passing and a celebration of invisible forces which shape each of us.

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expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
expired slide film, LED sculpture "Radiation Cathedral" by Frank Geiser
  • @geiserfrank


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